Happy 2012 everyone! Hopefully you have all adjusted to it by now. I like writing '12 actually. It's just a good looking number.
Update on our lives: We had a great Christmas with the Peacock fam in Utah at Becky's place and now that we're starting a new semester, Scott is back at school. We celebrated his 24th birthday on the 7th- I surprised him with a night at a bed n breakfast- so fun I recommend it to any couples that are childless for an evening!!!
We are both under the weather this month of January- really, the whole month. Me- mostly because of morning sickness, more recently though my body celebrated coming out of the first trimester with a sinus n-infection- I'm just getting over that. And Scott is in bed right now. High on Theraflu due to his wife's strict orders. It's cold season here in Rexburg, that's for sure. It's one of those times when everyone in your town is sneezing and coughing on ya. But we'll manage.
Our friends, family, and especially our new ward members have been so incredibly helpful through all the sick stages. Our home teachers just brought us dinner this last weekend actually. I am so touched by that gesture, it was so thoughtful and exactly what I would have wanted- homemade chili just like Mom used to make it (think 15 bean soup Peacock kids). Anyways, we are well loved and in times of sickness it is nice to get a reminder.
On a happier note check out our latest photo of the little guy in my belly! I am much bigger now- definitely a bump, baby is around the size of a peach now that we're 13 weeks along. We don't actually know if it will be a boy but we really hope so- if it is a girl we will be just as happy though! It is really fun seeing Scott so excited to be a daddy. He is going to be so amazing and fun and loving. You couldn't tell by looking at him but he is a REALLY sensitive, caring man- a big teddy bear and it is my most favorite trait about my husband and soon to be baby-daddy.
And here are some more pics of our month. These are all taken on Scotty Potty's Birthday.
At the bed and breakfast enjoying "eggs benedict" for the first time!
Helpful hint: When you're too sick to make your hubby a birthday cake, call Coldstone and they will make him VERY HAPPY.
Scott's birthday burger he "created" at Red Robin. 2 patties, guacamole, bacon, bbq sauce, and pepper jack cheese. He is a man of many hidden talents.
We even went shooting on his birthday! It was FREEZING, but we had a blast. Literally.